Explanation of Payment Reason Codes and Descriptions







04 Expense not covered by plan 114 Cannot bill assistant surgeon charges 167 Elective procedure not covered
06 Inmate not eligible 121 Inmate paroled 168 Cosmetic procedure non covered
13 PPO Benefits applied 123 Invalid CPT code- resubmit 169 Secondary Diagnosis required
24 Duplicate charge 130 Diagnosis not valid for sex 170 Non-specific Primary Diagnosis
27 Claim adjustment 131 Newborn care is not covered 171 Invoice required for payment
32 Paid by previous carrier 137 Included in case rate 172 Claim paid by CCHCS
36 Duplicate of a corrected claim 139 Included with DRG rate 173 Resubmit Claim with DRG code
40 Additional payment 146 No allowance for modifier 26 174 Not eligible
42 Inmate responsible for charges 150 Convenience items not covered 177 Page 1 of 2 missing, resubmit
44 Not covered, member responsible 151 After hours charges not covered 178 Page 2 of 2 missing, resubmit
45 Re-file with physicians name 153 Invalid age for CPT code 179 Submit additional documentation
46 Prior to effective date of group 154 Invalid sex for CPT code 184 Resubmit claim by fiscal Year
47 Submit itemized statement 155 Invalid place of service 186 Claim returned to CCHCS
48 Inclusive with per Diem rate 156 Invalid modifier code 187 Multiple pages missing, re-bill
50 Submit entire medical record 157 Invalid diagnosis code 188 Resubmit with CPT code
51 Amount previously billed 158 Invalid age for diagnosis 190 No diagnosis code submitted
57 Not a state inmate 159 Unacceptable primary diagnosis 191 Please resubmit with diagnosis
65 Late charges are not covered 160 Incidental procedure 192 Bill lacks required modifier/CPT code
67 Other coverage primary 161 Charge included in another code 193 & 194 Code is a component of another; not allowable
82 Corrected EOB 162 CPT not valid for service date 195 & 196 Code not recognized by OPPS; alternate code available; re-bill
95 Claim denial upheld 163 Included in global time period 197 Resubmit Corrected Billing
96 Inmate on medical furlough 164 Possible catastrophe 202 CPT/Procedure code not allowable
107 Corrected claim received 165 Included in global allowance 203 Invalid bill type; resubmit
108 Does not change amount paid 166 Not medically necessary 204 Inclusive with Base Rate
205 Multiple surgery reduction 230 Dental service not covered 253 & 254 Incorrect billing of blood or blood products
206 Invalid use of modifier 231 Covered w/ condition code only 255 Trauma response w/ critical care
207 Incidental charges reported, re-bill 232 Non allowed service for OPPS 256 Requires REV code with CPT code
208 Provide pick up address and zip 233 Future service not payable 257 & 258 Re-bill using procedure(s) code(s) as contracted
209 Submit anesthesia code 234 Registry charge returned to CCHCS 259& 260 Please submit Medicare fiscal intermediary letter
210 Units exceed medical necessity 235 DME/Orthotics covered by CCHCS 261 Statutory exclusion list and not
211 Not eligible per CCHCS contract 236 Surgeon cannot bill as assistant 262 covered by Medicare outpatient
212 No RVP for this procedure 237 Condition code required on bill 263 Co-Surgeon not permitted
213 Inappropriate use of modifier 238 CCHCS refund received 264 ADJ-01 not completed/signed
214 Covered inpatient service only 239 Resubmit with only one base rate 265 & 266 Incorrectly billed address in box 33, please resubmit
215 CPT does not match description 240 No charges were submitted 267 Admin Days denied by CCHCS
218 Invalid tax ID 241 Billable by hospital only 268 & 269 Mutually exclusive to another CPT code billed
219 & 220 Inappropriate specification of Bilateral procedure OCE 242 EDI- No inmate Name submitted 270 Submit supporting documentation
221 Claim lacks required device code 243 EDI -No CDCR number submitted 271 Per CCHCS UM inmate ineligible
222 EDI-No tax ID submitted on claim 244 Claim lacks required device code 272 Per DH at CCHCS
223 Re-bill on HCFA 1500 claim form 245 Code not recognized by Medicare 273 & 274 Additional paid to contracted rate
224 Service not billable to FI/MAC 246 Code only billable to DMERC(RTP) 275 NDC Code required for payment
225 Provide service facility address 247 Verify Date of Service submitted 276 No inmate name submitted
226 Requires HCPCS on same line 248 & 249 Previously paid as Assistant Surgeon 277 & 278 Inmate not seen on Date of Service
227 No payee data record 250 Units > 1 is inappropriate 279, 280, & 281 DRG submitted does not match CMS group DRG code; submit corrected DRG code
228 & 229 Resubmit with height & weight of patient 251 Invalid revenue code
282 & 283 Claims with handwritten information are not accepted 302 Invalid age/gender for CPT code 333 Invalid modifier for procedure
284 & 285 Administrative fee included in reimbursement 303 Invalid age/gender for HCPCS 334 Duplicate charge
286 & 287 Re-bill Health Net, date of service on new claim 304 & 305 E&M service previously paid for DOS, only one allowed per day 335 & 336 Exceeds the appropriate number of units per day
288 Services packaged into PAC rate 306, 307, & 308 Patient seen within last 3 yrs by physician, submit established CPT code 337 & 338 Exceeds the appropriate units for defined time frame
289 Medicare non-covered item / service 309, 310, & 311 Patient seen within last 3 yrs by physician, an established code was reimbursed 339 & 340 Component included with other CPT billed for Date of Service
290 & 291 Claim lacks required device code radio labeled product, resubmit 312, 313, & 314 Included in global surgical package for major surgery and is not separately reimbursable 341 & 342 Mutually exclusive to anotherprocedure billed
292 Clinical diagnostic lab services 315, 316, & 317 Included in global surgical package for minor surgery and is not separately reimbursable 343 & 344 Unlisted procedure requires additional documentation
293 & 294 Claim service crosses contract with PPO, please split and re-bill 318, 319, & 320 This procedure is incidental to another service on this Date of Service and is not reimbursable 345 & 346 Not medically necessary based on National Coverage Determination
295 & 296 Incidental services packaged into APC rate 321 & 322 This service is not reimbursable based on the place of service 347 & 348 Included in global obstetric package
297 Adjustment / refund error 323 This service is not covered 349 & 350 Procedure is part of a lab panel and is not reimbursable
298 NDC submitted is invalid 324, 325, & 326 As assistant surgeon, co-surgeon for this CPT requires additional documentation 351& 352 CPT is add on code and cannot be billed as a standalone code
299 Not approved per ADJ-01 form 327, 328, & 329 An Assistant Surgeon, Co-Surgeon or Team Surgeon for this CPT requires additional documentation 353 & 354 Included in global surgical package for another CPT billed
300 & 301 Add on code not reimbursable because valid primary CPT absent 330, 331, & 332 Procedure submitted with more than one multiple surgeon modifier 355, 356, & 357 Status B code payment included in payment for other services on same Date of Service
358 Invalid diagnosis code 384 Invalid HCPCS code 408 Invalid principle procedure
359 & 360 Status T code included in other CPT payment for same DOS 385 Modifier required for payment 409 Procedure/Sex conflict
361, 362, & 363 Another E&M service billed for same provider and same DOS this CPT will not be reimbursed 386 & 387 Diagnosis code requires ALS HCPCS code 410 & 411 Procedure may only be performed in an inpatient setting
364 & 365 Global period applies, same CPT billed with previous DOS 388 & 389 Not payable due to invalid base rate HCPCS code 412 & 413 Place of Service not valid for procedure billed
366 Refund received and applied 391 Revenue code requires HCPCS code 414 Invalid procedure to modifier
367 & 368 CPT code not valid for date of service billed 392 Packaged / Incidental services 415, 416, & 417 Lab test is component of a lab panel and requires being billed using the panel code
369 & 370 Unlisted procedure or service is not reimbursable 393 Invalid bill type 418 & 419 HSS ASC invalid Bill Type or Place of Service
371, 372, & 373 CPT submitted with multiple unites exceeding the CMS Medically Unlikely edit 394 Invalid Place of Service 420, 421, & 422 Provider is not contracted for services submitted with this Bill Type/POS
374 & 375 CPT/HCPCS is not valid for date of service submitted on claim 395 Excluded from negotiated rate 423 & 424 Medical visit with procedure without �25�
376 Invalid diagnosis code submitted 396, 397, & 398 Provider compensation for this service is zero per Coventry Provider agreement 426 CMS rates not available
377 & 378 Submit supporting medical documentation 399, 400, & 401 Multiple medical visits, same revenue code, same date without condition code G0 427 & 428 Original bill required to price late charges
379 Invalid principle DX code 402 & 403 No additional payment due, included with additional pricing 429 & 430 Inpatient service not paid under OPPS
380 Service not separately payable 404 Claim lacks required device code 431 & 432 Packaged service/item; no separate payment
381 & 382 Code 2 of a Code1 / Code2 paid; needs modifier 405 & 406 Claim lacks required radiolabeled product 433 & 434 Service not covered by Medicare for free standing ASC
383 Service units out of range 407 Invalid Revenue Code 435 & 436 Component of comprehensive procedure not allowed
437 & 438 Service not billable to the fiscal intermediary 455 Local Coverage Determination. 500, 501, & 502 Packaged surgical procedures include operation & uncomplicated post-op care
442 Invalid ICD Procedure codes used. 456 & 457 NDC submitted has been deactivated for this DOS 503 Non-covered � inmate is a donor
443 Additional charges added. 458 Status N code is non-covered 506 RUG values missing
444 Charges billed as non-covered. 463 & 464 Remit address does not match BIS account information on file 507 CCHCS UM Audit required
447 No allowance for Asst. Surgeon. 470 & 471 Incidental procedure not separately reimbursed 511 Invalid DRG code
448 NPI number does not match. 472 & 473 Resubmit claim with correct NPI number 513, 514, & 515 Line 1 does not match the date of service billed in the statement period submitted
449 Physician in box 31. 475 Discharge status is invalid 516 & 517 Line service date is invalid in box 32 for Place of Service
450 Therapy service requires modifier 481 Invalid or missing CMG code 518 Incorrect Bill Type
451 Invalid principal diagnosis 484 G0379 only allowed with G0378 519 & 520 Admission Source Code, box 15 missing or invalid
452 & 453 Present on admission POA codes are missing 487 & 488 Service provided same day as an inpatient procedure  


454 Not Medically necessary based on 493 & 494 Vendor should re-bill through the hospital/surgery ctr/phy